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The Orchard School

The Orchard School

Holistic Curriculum

Our Holistic Curriculum

According to the Education Health and Care Plan for each pupil, individual needs are specific and varied. Whilst many pupils will access education at The Orchard School successfully at a Universal level, within the academic curriculum, most will also benefit from access to a diverse holistic curriculum.

 At The Orchard School, we offer a broad holistic curriculum designed to meet the needs of all of our pupils. This curriculum is delivered at a Targeted (small group) or Personalised (one-to-one) level, in the form of Interventions.

 Interventions will take many forms and are delivered in a variety of ways, depending on the needs of the pupil.

 At each termly Pupil Progress or Pupil Development meeting pupils are discussed and their challenges explored. Whether Academically, Socially or Emotionally, appropriate intervention is discussed as a vehicle to address specific needs. Once allocated, Intervention will be recorded on Individual Provision Maps and the Section F (EHCP) and the programme of support will begin.

 In our Holistic Curriculum Handbook, you will find details of all interventions delivered within the Holistic Curriculum. You will find details of each intervention delivery model including access, duration and timing. All Intervention will be time-limited and outcomes identified. Progress against outcomes will be measured and recorded on individual IPMs, EMSLs and Pupil Asset. It is unlikely that any pupil will access any specific intervention long-term unless expressly indicated in individual EHCPs.

 For further information about our holistic curriculum click on the button below to view our full Holistic Curriculum Handbook document:

Holistic Curriculum Handbook