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The Orchard School

The Orchard School

Our Staff

Senior Leadership Team

SLT (ID 1000)



Primary Teachers

Starfish Class Sally Wood 
Seahorses Class Rosie Bishop
Stingrays Class Rachel Apps
Shark Class Naomi Hardy

Secondary Teachers

Computing Alex Harvey


Jane Paler (Maths Lead)

Claire Gale


Warren Lee (English Lead)

Hazel Stevens 

Claire Gale


Jimmy Easter (PE Lead)

Ben Rigden

Science  Tom Wilkinson
Food Technology Jade Roy
Performing Arts Martin Wicks
Personal Development Martin Wicks
Careers Martin Wicks 
Art Katie Lloyd
Design & Technology Eloise Teear 
Engage Pathway Lead Rebecca Thomas Read 
Structure+ Pathway Lead  Jess Stewart

Orchard Outreach

Assistant Headteacher /  Outreach Lead Sarah Stephens
Outreach Teacher Natasha Hampshire
Outreach TA  Jayne Hardaker

Teaching Assistants - Primary

Primary TA Satwinder Panesar
Primary TA Lauren Rule
Primary TA Kayleigh Kingston
Primary TA Zara Barnett 
Primary TA Marie Goggin 
Primary TA Amelia Belsey
Primary TA  Emma Bourn
Primary TA Lan Phuong Hua 

Teaching Assistants - Secondary

Secondary TA Chrissy Blackwell
Secondary TA Claire Dye
Secondary TA Dionne Roberts
Secondary TA Gemma Courtney
Secondary TA Rachael Austin 
Secondary TA Rachel Mercer
Secondary TA  Catherine Massey
Secondary TA Kate Casey
Secondary TA Kerry Johnson
Secondary TA Nazli Tavukcuoglu
Secondary TA Danielle Downey
Secondary TA Tamara Bent 

Office & Admin Staff

Office Manager Melanie Rowden
HR Executive / Senior Administrator Cherith Stibbe

School Administrator with PA responsibilities to the Headteacher

Kate Burgess
Finance Officer Sarah King 

Pupil Support

Deputy Pupil Support Lead Sam Baker 
Family Liaison Officer  Teresa Wilson
SENDCo Administrator  Karen Hollands 
Behaviour Curriculum Specialist Sydney Humphreys

Learning Mentors

Learning Mentor Bryony Sim
Learning Mentor Jesse De Vries
Learning Mentor Ellie Smith
Learning Mentor (Temp) Deen Reeves
Learning Mentor (Engage) David Day
Learning Mentor (Engage)  Jaime-Leigh Etherington 

Intervention Coordinators

Primary Intervention Coordinator Corrinne Garstang
Secondary Intervention Coordinator Sharn Ball
Secondary Intervention Coordinator Clare Mason

Our Premises Staff

Site Manager Martin Barnes
Cleaner John Dyer