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The Orchard School

The Orchard School


You can download our full admissions policy using the button below.

Admissions Policy

All pupils who attend The Orchard School will have a Statement of Special Educational Needs / Education, Health and Care Plans (EHC Plans) identifying social, emotional and mental health difficulties with associated learning needs as their primary need. To arrive at this stage they will have seen a variety of professionals who have investigated the root of the child’s difficulties in learning.

The Local Authority will have deemed that a child may be suitable through a clear assessment and referral process which results in papers being submitted to the school as part of the consultation process. Most pupils referred are appropriate and are then invited for interview providing the school has a suitable place available.

This should be read in conjunction with the Kent County Admissions Criteria for pupils with behaviour and learning difficulties.

Kent County Admissions Criteria

Kent County Free School Transport

KSENT Special Schools: Admission Guidance